Writing - International Marketing action minutes

As a member of the Marketing Department of HCC, write the action minutes for the brainstorming session you attended.

Preparation for international marketing launch
Having received the results of research in a number of potential overseas markets, the Marketing Department of HCC has organised a meeting to brainstorm ideas for the global marketing strategy of Physique.

Brainstorming session
1)  Which 10 countries should be chosen for the launch?
Japan, Korea, Singapore, the USA, Europe, Thailand, Australia, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Others.
We decided to choose 5 countries in emerging markets in Asia for the launch such as China, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand.

The other 5 countries that is near France are Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK also be chosen for the launch. These countries have high GDP and similar tastes to France.

2)   Does Physique need a new name? If so, what?
We change the name from Physique to  = My Physique    
The name Physique is well-known over the world for its product eau- de-cologne. Moreover, HHC is also the best-known brand in their product portfolio. If the company has a new name, It will lose reputation that the company has previously built.

3) Should Physique continue be targeted at the 30-40 age group? If not, what age group should it target?
My physique will counter the Adolescent, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s.
We should extended the targeted age group from 25 and above because men at 25 would spend more for their appearance, interested, to feel more confident and mature.

4)  Should Physique continue to be positioned as a premium fragrance, or should HCC market it
as a mass fragrance, with a different pricing structure?
Physique continue to be positioned as a premium fragrance because of the brand identity and the brand value. Customer not only choose the product for its quality but also their brand.

5) The container of Physique must be changed. How should the new container look? Plan the new packaging (shape, design, materials).
We can keep the container’s materials but the shape and the design should be changed. The lid color is black, the shape is turn into short and squared bottle. JP to find a designer to have a detail drawing.

6) Price: Are the present pricing levels appropriate? Should HCC offer a cheaper version of Physique for emerging markets?
We agree that retail price should be reduced by 40%.
HCC is providing premium fragrance so the company would not produce a cheaper version of Physique which could affect to HCC’s brand identity.

7) Distribution: Should HCC continue to sell the fragrance in exclusive outlets in overseas markets, or should it use a wider variety of outlets? If so, what sort of outlets should it choose?
Using a wider variety of outlets is the ideal condition to achieve international recognition. Due to having more outlets, our products could be able to approach new potential customers. HR plan to research well-known mall with central location which in the countries we are planning to launch.

8)  Promotion: Who should be the international ambassador(s) for the brand? What special promotions could HCC organise in the overseas markets?
International brand ambassadors should choose active, popular young.
International brand ambassador should choose a masculine, adventurous and energetic man who are well-known worldwide. GM to find a suitable ambassador.
Special offers can include new user discounts, sample giveaways and special price (Like buy one get one free or $20 off when you buy $100)activities.

9)  Physique needs a new slogan. Ideas?
•We agreed to change the slogan to native language for each different  country, in order to capture the customer´s attention.
•We consider that it is essential that the slogan be written in the same language to the goal market.  It should be clear and understandable by in order to keep a space in the customers minds.
• Action: Marketing Department

10)   Manufacture: Is it now time to manufacture the fragrance in low-cost countries? If so, which countries would be suitable?
It's time to manufacture the fragrance in low cost countries.
Like China, India, Bolivia,etc.
The aim is to lower product costs and better production techniques.

Sample action minutes


Marketing meeting action minutes: Physique
Date:                    16 April 2020
Venue:                 Room 21, Head Office, Grasse
Present:              Pierre Martin (Chief Executive), Caria Fernandez (Global Marketing Manager),                            Anne Dumont (Marketing Assistant)

1, 2 Target countries and product name
•It was agreed that target countries can be considered as Japan, Korea, Singapore, the USA, Europe, Thailand, Australia, China, Taiwan, Indonesia and others.
•Various alternative product names suggested, but no better name found.
3-5 Positioning and packaging
•HCC will continue to market the product named Physique. HCC has a very knowledge of the product, so it should do better then a new company starting. Customer not only choose the product for its quality but also their brand.
•HCC will mass fragrance the product to a different ages: the adolescent, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, because men at 25 would spend more for their appearance, interested, to feel more confident and mature.
•We can keep the container’s materials but the shape and the design should be changed. The lid color is black, the shape is turn into short and squared bottle. 
•Regarding to a new packaging design, we will take the brainstorming ideas that emerged at the meeting further in conjunction with our design consultancy.
16 May
6, 7 Price and distribution
•We agree that retail price should be reduced by 40%.
•HCC should use a wider variety of outlets, so that our products could be able to approach new potential customers. Marketing Dept plan to research well-known mall with central location which in the countries we are planning to launch.
30 May
8 Promotion
•International brand ambassadors should choose active, popular young. We can consider those who are recently male French stars.
•Special offers can include new user discounts, sample giveaways and special price (Like buy one get one free or $20 off when you buy $100) activities.
20 June
9 Slogan
•We agreed to change the slogan to native language for each different  country, in order to capture the customer´s attention.
•We consider that it is essential that the slogan be written in the same language to the goal market.  It should be clear and understandable by in order to keep a space in the customers minds.
15 July
10 Manufacturing
•It's time to manufacture the fragrance in low cost countries like China, India, Bolivia, etc with the aim is to lower product costs and better production techniques.
30 May


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