
Big names prove worth in crisis

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING BIG NAMES PROVE WORTH IN CRISIS John Gapper APRIL 28 2010 For companies whose financial value depends heavily on the health of their brands, the severity and abruptness of the recession was a challenge. The abruptness with which many consumers stopped spending, and large companies reduced capital investment and wound down capital investment, caused a shock to the system. Many companies experienced not only the financial crisis, but also a crisis of confidence. Marketers and advertising agencies preach the gospel that the companies that emerge best out of recessions are those that maintain their marketing budget and protect brands when the going gets tough. In practice, few companies were certain enough of the future to comply. Yet some of the Doomsday scenarios about the value of brands in a new, less leveraged world, have not come to pass. Emerging from the recession, luxury goods companies and many other consumer brand companies ar

Writing - International Marketing action minutes

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING As a member of the Marketing Department of HCC, write the action minutes for the brainstorming session you attended. Preparation for international marketing launch Having received the results of research in a number of potential overseas markets, the Marketing Department of HCC has organised a meeting to brainstorm ideas for the global marketing strategy of Physique. Brainstorming session 1)   Which 10 countries should be chosen for the launch? Japan, Korea, Singapore, the USA, Europe, Thailand, Australia, China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Others. OR We decided to choose 5 countries in emerging markets in Asia for the launch such as China, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand. The other 5 countries that is near France are Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK also be chosen for the launch. These countries have high GDP and similar tastes to France. 2)    Does Physique need a new name? If so, what? We change the name from Physique to   = My


All religions have sets of codified laws, but they take on special importance for the Islamic faith, since these are the rules that govern not only the religious lives of Muslims but also form the basis of civil law in nations that are Islamic Republics, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Even in nations that are not formally Islamic republics, such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq, the overwhelming percentage of Muslim citizens causes these nations to adopt laws and principles heavily influenced by Islamic religious law. Islamic law is based upon four main sources, outlined below. I.                    THE QURAN Muslims believe the  Quran  to be the direct words of Allah, as revealed to and transmitted by the  Prophet Muhammad . All sources of Islamic law must be in essential agreement with the Quran, the most fundamental source of Islamic knowledge. The Quran is therefore regarded as the definitive authority on matters of Islamic law and practice. The Quran is aimed at

Writing - Communication problems at WCH

Writing As Communications Director at WCH, write a follow-up e-mail to the Head of Ward Associates summarizing the decisions you have taken with your reasons. To: Ms. Ward Subject: Notification of our decision about your recommendations Dear Head of Ward Associates, Following your report on communication problems here at WCH, the directors have discussed your recommendations. Please refer to the subject below for the reason. On Internal communications, ……………………………………………………………………… For Against Weekly reports enables directors to track their department heads' performance and progress at all levels. keep BOD updated on all matters related to the company’s business activities instantly. Time-consuming Information overload Appointment of a new account manager In addition to this measure, we will set education about correspondence of trouble for whole managers. Co